About Heather
HEATHER SHAHAN was born in rural northern Florida in June 1987. She spent her childhood at the whims of her imagination, daydreaming and creating stories about elves, princesses, pirates, and fairies. She fell in love with reading in middle school and devoured books week after week. She earned her bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Florida Atlantic University. When she struggled to find a job teaching after graduating, she turned to writing. Once she started teaching, she pushed her stories to the summers but that meant she never seemed to make progress.
In July 2023, she decided that she would not push her writing aside yet again. Determined, she began to find little bits of time as many days as she could: after work, while her son is at Taekwondo, before bed. She quickly learned that little bits add up and slow but steady wins the race. Averaging about 250 words a day during the school year and 1,000 during the summer, she manages about 150,000 a year.
Heather lives in Texas with her husband Jeremy, son Isaac, and pup Oakley. When not teaching or writing, she can usually be found snuggling her family, reading, writing, or slaying dragons on World of Warcraft.
You can find her on Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Bluesky.
In lieu of a newsletter, she is active on her author discord. It is a small community, and you're welcome to join!
The Books
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All Dri is told is that her answers lie in Arlyss, an isolated kingdom that her ancestors were exiled from centuries before. Along her journey, she meets a diverse cast of characters who somehow find their way past her hardened defenses and into her heart. Though her sight allows her to see many of the struggles the world offers, her new friends show her that the best healing comes when we open ourselves up to the good… even when our best efforts don’t always measure up.

Coming 2026, continue Dri's adventure as she learns to navigate the world anew as the dragons return. Will they impact the tentative peace between the kingdoms?
Coming 2025, return to Trinity. In the ruins of a place once known as Dallas, a collection of hundreds of towns and groups are ruled peacefully by The Council. Though the leaders once thrived on change, their descendents have grown comfortable. Whether by mutation or evolution, some children have been able to connect with and control the elements. These Talists, short for elementalists, have the potential to cause destruction, to take over, to incite change. Following a cast of diverse characters, the story explores the gray areas in our choices, love and loss, and personal growth under pressure.